10 Unbelievable Vince McMahon Stories

1. Jim Ross Overhears People Say They Want To Kill McMahon

Ask most wrestling enthusiasts who the best pro wrestling announcer of all time is, and Jim Ross will regularly come up. Joining McMahon's company in 1993, Ross hasn't always seen eye-to-eye with his boss, but by and large has been able to carve a niche for himself as one of the best commentators in the industry. Before signing on at WWE, Ross was an exciting young announcer working for the NWA/WCW, and regularly attended NWA's annual meetings and conferences. During one such meeting, JR was doing his business in the bathroom, overhearing a conversation which chilled him to his bones. From his bathroom stall, Ross heard a group of wrestling promoters and other people discussing plans to kill Vince McMahon, something which must have had him wondering if the folks talking even knew he was in the room. Obviously, whatever plans were being put in place didn't come to anything, and at least Jim was in the right place for a fright! What other wacky and controversial Vince McMahon stories do you know? Had you heard about all the ones on this list? Let us know down in the comments section!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.