10 Unbelievable Wrestling Road Stories (That Actually Happened)

10. Rick Rude Breaks Bouncers Jaw With 'Bad' Arm

For all intents and purposes, Rick Rude was a generally well-liked guy by many of his peers. Names such as Bret Hart and even Hulk Hogan have remarked that Rude was one cool dude, and deserves a lot more credit for his in-ring performances than many are willing to give. Oh, and another thing, the guy was one of the hardest men to ever work in the pro wrestling industry. There are numerous accounts of the 'Ravishing One' knocking huge, burly grapplers from their feet with little more than a slap. One story tells of Rude asking The Ultimate Warrior to lighten up a little inside the ring. When Warrior refused, he was knocked on his behind with one open-hand slap. Perhaps the most famous tale to follow Rick Rude about also involves a random night club bouncer. With his good arm in a sling, Rude was likely shocked to hear the bouncer tell him that pro wrestlers aren't as tough as they like to think. Reacting angrily, Rude proceeded to punch the doorman with his weaker arm, breaking his jaw, and leaving everyone speechless.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.