10 Unexpected Wrestling Origins That'll Blow Your Mind

8. Sweet Chin Music Fell Out Of A Baseball Game

Sandman Surfer

While the star himself would later admit to Sports Illustrated that he was inspired to use a superkick by 'Gentleman' Chris Adams, it was Shawn Michaels who would ultimately go on to become the person most people think of whenever they see that particular kind of boot to the face.

'The Heartbreak Kid' would eventually opt for a different name for his specific superkick, of course, christening it the 'Sweet Chin Music'. And as he'd later explain to Sony Sports India, Michaels actually came up with that name whilst watching a bit of baseball many moons ago.

Noting how his character evolved and grew over the years, HBK recalled seeing Roger Clemens launch some fastballs in baseball and hearing announcers then calling these particular throws towards the batter's face - a tactic often used to intimidate the person swinging at the ball  - "a little sweet chin music" that would back the batter off the plate.

Michaels took the name to Vince Russo soon after and the pair agreed it would be an effective way to separate HBK's finishing kick from your average superkick. And the rest was chin-smashing history.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...