10 Unexpected WWE Moments Caught On Camera

5. Brock Lesnar Botching His Shooting Star Press

The main event of WrestleMania is perhaps the single most pressurised spot in pro wrestling. All eyes are on those working it, and the margin for error is remarkably slim. It's forgivable then, if talent don't want to take risks.

At 'Mania XIX, Brock Lesnar's ill-advised Shooting Star Press attempt wasn't only a risk, it could have killed him.

Brock had successfully executed the move before, and he was confident he could do so again. The problem was that he'd already wrestled an intense match with Kurt Angle for around 20 minutes. That fatigue, along with the sweat pouring from his body and the aforementioned pressure of 'Mania made him botch, fall short of rotating fully, causing him to land on his neck.

According to Angle in interviews since, Brock was out of it afterwards. That's not a surprise, and he's fortunate to have walked away of his own accord. If he'd managed to pull the move off, maybe we'd still be talking about it for different reasons.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.