10 Unfortunate Members Of WWE's 50/50 Club

3. Tyler Breeze

Tyler Breeze is the most recent call-up to WWE from NXT and thus far his impact on the main roster has been...meh. Similar in character to an early Dolph Ziggler, Tyler Breeze was thrust into a feud with the Show-off immediately upon his debut. So far, the two men's feud has been the epitome of WWE 50/50 booking style in that neither man has won nor lost the feud. As of this writing, it is still unclear as to whether Breeze and Ziggler will continue to feud through the end of 2015 or if they will begin to go their separate ways. Regardless, Tyler Breeze's introduction to the world has been anything but special. Obviously, Prince Pretty was talented enough to warrant a spot on the main roster, but it is baffling as to why the powers-that-be decided the best way to use him was in another 50/50 booking pattern. Winning as often as losing is the definition of mediocrity and television audiences don't tune in to watch average. Breeze has the look, the presentation, and the work, he just needs the support from his management in order to hold a better position in the minds of the audience. Talents don't have to win every match, but if you want them to make an impact, especially so quickly after debuting, superstars like Breeze need to win more than they lose and so far, Breeze has not.
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A former stuntman for Paramount Pictures, Matt enjoys sports, water skiing, driving fast, the beach, professional wrestling, technology, and scotch. At the same time, whenever possible. Having attended many famous (and infamous) shows including WrestleMania XV, In Your House: Mind Games, and the 1995 King of the Ring, Matt has been a lifelong professional sports and wrestling fan. Matt's been mentioned in numerous wrestling podcasts including the Steve Austin Show: Unleashed, Talk Is Jericho, and Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard. As a former countywide performer, Matt has been referred to as Mr. 300 for his amazing accomplishments in the world of amateur bowling. He is also the only man on record to have pitched back-to-back no hitters in the Veterans Stadium Wiffle Ball League of 2003.