10 Unusual Demands Wrestlers Made To Other Wrestlers

8. CJ Perry Begged Her Husband To Let Her Go Through A Table

Rhea Ripley Zelina Vega

In a case of be careful what you wish for within the wrestling landscape, CJ Perry's (f.k.a. Lana) desire to take a brutal table bump eventually paved the way for her being put through the announce desk on every edition of Monday Night Raw for two months straight.

This was actually a rather bizarre dream for the one-time Ravishing Russian for some time, with Perry eventually noting that she'd wanted to go through a table for years. But her then-boss Vince McMahon and husband Miro were both often against the idea of her going through the object.

Perry would even go as far as to confess to Busted Open Radio that she "begged" to go through a table "for a really long time", with the former Rusev often replying to this request with a simple "Absolutely not. Do you want to die?"

The former WWE star would even go as far as to admit (via Wrestling Inc):

"I'm actually a big believer that the table thing with Nia would've never happened if Miro was there because he was so protective over me."

And so, after finally going full Batista and convincing McMahon to give her what she wanted, the never-ending table bump train was born.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...