10 Ups & 2 Downs From Impact Wrestling (23 Feb)


10. Draped In Gold

A simple backstage promo from Decay saw Rosemary lay out Decay's plan for the immediate future. Black Taurus will win the X Division Championship, before the trio take the rest.

Short and sweet, this one. 'The Demon Assassin' dropping lines talking about how there's no life without death and no light without darkness was good, as was Taurus' method of simply standing in the background groaning. That's why he fits into Decay so perfectly. He may be this flashy high-flying wrestler, but the persona he has allows him to slip into the dark and dreary aura of Decay.

The mere thought of Decay being surrounded in Impact championships is rather nice, too. It's been a while since Rosemary held the Knockouts Championship, after all.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.