10 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling Bound For Glory 2021

7. Josh Reaches The Pinnacle

Post-match aside, Josh Alexander vs. Christian Cage achieved what was expected of it. Josh reached the pinnacle of IMPACT, doing so in a match that was focused entirely around Josh being perceived as an amateur compared to Christian's extensive body of work.

Though it took a while to officially come alive, the live crowd was clearly behind Josh Alexander, with consistent cries for him to take the title back home to IMPACT. The aforementioned aspect surrounding Alexander's supposed inexperience was a major factor in the early stages, with the challenger at one stage going directly head-first into the guardrail after overshooting his charge towards Cage.

The ending was a bit flat, with Christian being unable to execute the Killswitch due to his shoulder slamming into the ring post moments prior, allowing Josh to cinch in an Ankle Lock. The whole problem with this was that Christian reached the ropes with ease, so he had to be pulled back and then essentially tapped out within seconds. There was no real edge to the submission; it was just over.

It was the perfect ending to the pay-per-view. A post-match angle wasn't required. Josh was celebrating with his family. For him to drop the title while they were still there was a very WWE move, but regardless, he proved himself as a worthy pay-per-view headliner. Let's hope he remains in this spot.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.