10 Useless Pieces Of Wrestling Trivia You Still NEED To Know

6. The New Day Have Nicknames For Each Different Pairing

Seth Rollins Women's Title

Another team of talented wrestlers who have unquestionably made their mark on the business over the last decade, The New Day have held all kinds of gold, blazed trails, and been a constant source of hilarious (and sometimes quite emotional) entertainment since their 2014 debut.

For a while there they even held the record for longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions in company history, too, with the trio defending those straps under the Freebird rule - meaning all three are given the title of champions, but are allowed to swap and change who wrestles in their defences.

It turns out the squad even have specific nicknames for each of said different New Day tag team lineups.

As noted by Xavier Woods when discussing how the faction decide who will wrestle in an upcoming match on their Feel the Power podcast (via Wrestling Inc) - it's usually a case of whoever didn't wrestle last time getting swapped in for the next match - Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods go by the name of Speed Force, Big E and Woods are Muscle Bomb, and Kingston and E are Pops & Powers.

Why? Because Xavier is the team's hybrid, Kofi possesses the speed, and Big E is the obvious muscle, of course.

Now you know.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...