10 Very Evil, Very Fascinating Facts About AEW's Newest Signing Danhausen!

8. Danhausen Almost Gave Up On Wrestling Altogether

Donovan DanHausen

While this seems absurd to think about today, there was a point in time where Danhausen almost hung up his cape in 2017, not long before his rise to fame. During another of his rare out-of-character interviews with Chris Van Vliet, Danhausen went into his frustrations that almost caused him to quit wrestling for good:

“I started hammering down on wrestling every week I possibly could. But it was going nowhere and I didn’t feel like I was getting better at wrestling. I was getting increasingly frustrated, hurt and I was I was losing money. I thought about quitting, because it sucked. Before I decided to quit, I wanted to give it one more real go. I did literally whatever I felt like doing, and waiting to see if it pays off. At that point it was entirely on me. I switched over to a horror-based character, full on evil.”

It’s incredibly eye-opening to see someone who has made it to a national promotion through their relentless persistence and work ethic had come that close to calling it quits before their big break.

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AEW Danhausen
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Found a copy of Mick Foley’s ‘Have a Nice Day’ at a library when I was a kid, and, well, here we are. You can find all of my work, short stories, and info on my upcoming novel, The Devil Eats Grits, by going to www.scclosson.com!