10 Vince McMahon Moments Netflix WON’T Talk About

6. The Melanie Pillman Interview

Melanie Pillman Vince Raw Interview 1997

This was horrendous to look back on in 2020.

Less than 24 hours after her husband Brian had passed away, poor Melanie Pillman appeared on Monday Night Raw for an uncomfortable satellite interview with Vince. Questions about Brian's substance abuse issues, how Melanie would support her kids and more were incredibly heartless.

The segment, which aired on the 6 October 1997 episode, is not a good look for McMahon and company 23 years on. It was unethical at best and downright scumbag behaviour at worse. A grieving widow should not have been on television in her emotional state whether she agreed to the appearance or not.

Bruce Prichard has defended Vince's actions on his 'Something To Wrestle With' pod before, but there's really no excusing such selfish pretence that this was the WWF's way of raising awareness for Brian's plight. It was exploitative TV, and won't come up on Netflix.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.