10 Ways AEW Has ALREADY Made Wrestling History

5. Number 1 Show On Cable TV

CM Punk

The appetite for Blood & Guts was shared by The Inner Circle, The Pinnacle, and the wrestling fandom at large on 56 May 2021, as this special edition of Dynamite drew over a million viewers which, for the first time in their history, made AEW the number one show on cable TV.

The allure of "The Demo God" Chris Jericho uniting his faction to butt heads with MJF's own motley crew drew enough fans to make history for the company, a landmark it would go on to replicate a number of times later in the year.

These replications would come on 25 August, the night CM Punk made his Dynamite debut,15 September, which saw the in-ring debut of Adam Cole, 22 September, the first night of the special Grand Slam event, and 29 September, with the coronation of Sammy Guevara as TNT Champion in the main event.

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