10 Ways CM Punk Changed WWE FOREVER

6. He Helped Make WWE Fun Again

CM Punk John Cena

Alright, this entry requires a bit of further explanation.

It's hard to call CM Punk's match with John Cena at 2011's Money in the Bank PPV anything but one of the greatest matches in company history. But it wasn't just the wrestling that made this match a masterpiece: it was the suspense. The drama. The unpredictability of it all. For the first time in a long time, the fans hadn't the slightest idea of how a match was going to go.

And oh boy, did it ever go the right way.

Punk's victory was not the anticipated result in the eyes of many, but it was indisputably the best decision they could've made. Not just because it appeased the ravenous Chicago crowd, but because it was a rare curve-ball on WWE's part; something fresh and exciting that genuinely leaves the fans curious as to what will happen next.

That's how he "helped make WWE fun again" - he showed them that going against the grain can actually produce unforgettable moments and that they don't have to be so afraid to have a guy like John Cena lose once in a while.

Sure, Punk may not have entirely changed WWE's mind on the subject (see: much of Roman Reigns' career), but comparative to late-2000s WWE, the product is a lot less par-for-the-course than it used to be.

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CM Punk
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He/him/his. Born in 1992. Lifetime native of Massachusetts. Part-time columnist. Aspiring actor/singer. Black Belt. Twitch Affiliate. Drinks iced coffee all year round. Loves pro-wrestling and MMA.