10. He Flies Down From The Rafters

Way back in the time of WCWs prime years, Sting had transformed himself from his surfer persona into a character much more akin to Eric from the comic book and film series The Crow. Along with the black trench coat, white face paint, and the baseball bat he would carry around, Sting also had a habit of hiding himself in the rafters of the arena WCW would host their shows in. On occasion Sting would also propel himself down from the rafters and attack any and all wrestlers who he had a personal vendetta against. It was part of Stings mystique, and the crowds ate it up every time he did it. With WWE now acquiring Sting, maybe well get to see this version of Sting one more time as he comes flying down from the rafters and attacks an unfortunate victim. While its possible for this to happen, its also not very likely given the tragic manner in which Owen Hart died. Since then, WWE has never done anything that high risk, and while seeing Sting go down from the rafters one more time would feel nostalgic for the hardcore wrestling fans, its just not necessary anymore.