10 Ways Stone Cold Steve Austin Changed WWE FOREVER

8. Not Wrestling Hulk Hogan

Stone Cold Steve Austin Arrested

We’re getting into alternate timeline stuff here.

The 2001 acquisition of WCW by Vince McMahon opened the doors for some dream booking, and by the following year’s Wrestlemania, most of the big names had made their way up north from Turner’s company. A mooted match was an icon vs icon clash between Hulk Hogan - and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Stone Cold turned it down, doubting that the two would be able to put together a good - or mutually beneficial - match, and Hogan instead wrestled The Rock in what remains one of the most joyful bouts ever through sheer spectacle and fanfare. This opened Vince’s eyes to the sheer power of nostalgia, and in the years to come, stars like Ricky Steamboat, Goldberg and countless more rode the wave.

It also led to the once (or twice) in a lifetime clash between John Cena and The Rock 10 years down the line. Would the same have happened had X-8’s marquee match been Austin/Hogan? Maybe. But regardless of Stone Cold’s status, The Rock seems the perfect opponent for Hogan, and the clearest sign to Vince that these old timers can still draw a buck.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)