10 Ways The WWE Network Has Changed Since It Launched

9. Free Trials Galore

Booker T Michael Cole Corey Graves

It's almost impossible to watch any WWE television show now without being offered a free trial on the WWE Network. Michael Cole has become adept at shilling the great value fans can expect should they sign up, and even WrestleMania has been used as a dangling carrot to tempt customers in the door.

Free trials are the norm with the Network now and replaced the original six-month commitment plan, probably because WWE realised people didn't want to feel locked in. Entertainment has changed, and so has the way folks consume it. Today, people can pick and choose programming at their leisure.

That was something WWE had to be mindful of.

Every fresh customer receives a month-long trial of the Network as standard. WWE hope that, by offering this package, they'll be able to snare lapsed fans who want to check out the Royal Rumble or 'Mania and keep them coming back.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.