10 Ways The WWE Network Has Changed Since It Launched

4. The Start/Stop Network Specials

Brock Lesnar Beast in the East 2015

To date, WWE have produced a King Of The Ring reboot (the less said about that, the better), a one-off Japanese house show, another live event from Madison Square Garden, the Roadblock special in 2016 and tournaments like the Cruiserweight Classic, Mae Young Classic and one for the United Kingdom Title as Network exclusives since launch.

Beast In The East and the UK Title shindig in particular stand out as must-see programming. Better yet, they do so for different reasons. The Tokyo show looked different to anything else WWE produce, and the United Kingdom shows in Blackpool featured some of the best wrestling on the service yet.

It's confusing why WWE haven't done more of this sort of thing. The on demand nature of the Network makes it perfect for one-off specials regardless of time differences, tape delay or anything like that.

When Beast In The East aired, it seemed WWE had finally found a unique selling point for the Network. It's one they need to capitalise on.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.