10 Ways TNA/Impact Was Great For The Wrestling Business

9. Creative Freedom

AJ Styles X Division
Impact Wrestling

'Broken' Matt Hardy wouldn't ever have been thought of in a traditional writer's room; that's why it succeeded. Matt Hardy himself created the character and worked out every aspect on how to present it properly, and it's because TNA allowed him to do it entirely on his own.

In direct comparison to the WWE, TNA has always been fairly loose when it comes to their scripting. Over in the 'Land of McMahon', very few wrestlers are granted their own creative freedom. As of late, the list pretty much starts and ends at The New Day and Chris Jericho.

Over in TNA, creative freedom is much more commonplace. Wrestlers are allowed more breathing room when it comes to their scripts and their characters, and this allows for more believable and enjoyable professional wrestling.

Unfortunately, WWE seems to be pulling into this one a bit slowly - or not at all.

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AJ Styles
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