10 Ways To Save WrestleMania 31

1. Seth Rollins Cashes In

Whoever ends up winning the match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the majority of fans won't be happy. Brock Lesnar coming out on top means the title will remain a part-time attraction, while you could probably count the people who want a Roman Reigns championship reign on one hand. That's why bringing out the company's top heel to end the show and crown himself the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion would be best. Seth Rollins cashing in is more exciting for a number of reasons, not least because he would make a much better champion than Reigns (let them feud and bring in Ambrose later on to set up an epic Triple Threat match as SummerSlam with all three former members of The Shield). Handled the right way, this could be a shocking and satisfying way to end the WrestleMania 31, giving Rollins a well-deserved WrestleMania moment in the process.

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