10 Ways To Save WrestleMania 31

5. Give Daniel Bryan A Marquee Match

There are certain advantages to Daniel Bryan being in the ladder match for the Intercontinental title. Putting the belt on him could finally make it feel important again, just like when men such as Shawn Michaels and The Rock held it. It just feels like a massive downgrade for Bryan. After all, it was this time last year that he beat Triple H and went on to headline WrestleMania, walking away with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. As unappealing as it in some way sounds, that rumoured match with Sheamus would ultimately be much better for Bryan, especially if the WWE come up with the right storyline over the next few weeks. Bring the Celtic Warrior back as a heel (and possibly even a member of The Authority), and it would ensure that the leader of the Yes Movement remains in the main event scene, even if it is just on the periphery for the time being.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.