10 Ways To Save WrestleMania 31

3. Mizdow Wins The Battle Royale

Things between The Miz and Damien Mizdow must come to a head at WrestleMania, but having that happen in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale is actually a much smarter option than a one on one match. Cesaro's victory last year did wonders for him until the WWE dropped the ball by splitting him from Paul Heyman and relegating the Swiss Superman to the bottom of the card, but Mizdow winning could help him in a big way. His failed cash in against John Cena damaged the former Intellectual Saviour of the Masses, but fans refused to give up on him (even when he was saddled with terrible gimmick which saw him coming out dressed as everyone from Sherlock Holmes to Vince McMahon). Finally standing up to The Miz would be a much needed fan pleasing moment, and could set up a lengthy rivalry between the A-Lister and his former stunt double for the summer.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.