10 Ways Triple H Has Transformed WWE In Just One Month

5. Less Silliness

Triple H WWE

Hopefully, the dreadful 24/7 Title has snuffed it.

WWE held onto the belt's goofy nature for far too long. There are only so many title switches and hokey chase sequences fans can be expected to sit through; it's obvious that Vince viewed 24/7 as an easy way to chew up minutes on Raw every week, but that came at the expense of viewership.

Often, the 'always on' belt and crap comedy went hand-in-hand. Fans raising an eyebrows at these segments were watching an overseer (McMahon) who was totally at odds with what his core fanbase wanted to see, and it was bloody painful.

Silliness has lessened in the month since Triple H took over. WWE will likely always have some childish bullsh*t here or there, but the dire 24/7 division just had to go. It furnished Raw with one of wrestling TV's least-watchable portions every single week, and couldn't even brag about solid quarter hour ratings either.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.