10 Ways Wrestlers Changed Their Appearance Through Surgery

2. Hair Transplant

Raven hair
Hair Doctor Florida

Fans are obsessed with wrestlers and their hair online for some strange reason. They’ve dissected and ridiculed Shawn Michaels, Baron Corbin and Dean Ambrose when their hairlines gave up on them, even though a little thinning of the hair is only natural, especially with older male wrestlers. Wrestlers like Larry Zbyszko and Chris Masters who chose to combat this, undergoing hair transplants (a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the head to another part where the hair is thinning or receding).

Chavo Guerrero was involved in a national ad campaign for a company promoting hair transplant replacement surgery. He was labelled as a ‘Medical Hair Restoration All Star’. A commercial promoting the product featured a ‘before and after’ shot of Chavo that aired on numerous television networks.

Jimmy Hart too. After he had the procedure he said, “Everybody asked me the same thing: ‘Jimmy, you look younger and younger! What’s the secret?’ I said, it’s the hair, baby! Through the years, we all get a little bit older, and we all want to look a little bit younger. If you feel good, that’s what it’s all about!”

Jake Roberts too. “My favourite part of the whole thing, is that it didn’t hurt. I've had enough pain in my life. I'm not going out of my way to suffer any more. Plus there was no downtime. I didn’t miss a single speaking engagement. Wait, here’s the best part, when Doctor Jeffords was explaining that male pattern baldness is created by testosterone turning into an enzyme called dihydrotestosterone. Well I couldn’t pronounce that, so they told me its nickname was DHT. Well my finishing move in wrestling is the DDT. So let’s just say, I gave DHT the DDT.”

ECW legend Raven too. “I always thought I would just go bald, but after seeing my head bald, it’s not a good look for me. It was either go thin, or get a hair replacement. My ego prevailed. I never thought I would have an ego about this, that when it came time to go bald, I would just go bald gracefully. But apparently, I have more ego than I thought.”

Quoth the Raven on hair transplants, ‘Nevermore’.

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Eva Marie
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