10 Ways Wrestlers Proved Their Gimmicks Outside WWE

9. DDP Is Sickeningly Positive

Mark Henry

Interviewing DDP is an experience. One can ask the man literally anything and expect his answer to circle back around to yoga or any other projects he happens to be involved in. Favourite match? 'This, but let me tell you about the benefits of yoga'. What does he think about political science? 'Yoga'.

Yoga, yoga, yoga.

This relentless promotion is always done with energy and a smile. It harks back to the character Page played on WWE TV in 2002; he transitioned from stalking ex-WCW fave to sickeningly positive motivational speaker back then. Here's the thing: DDP echoed that aggressive positivity outside pro wrestling too.

His DDP Yoga brand has impacted millions of lives, and saved the skins of several industry icons. You won't see one piece of Page media without that winning smile. It almost seems painted on, much like it did when he was saying, "That's not a bad thing, it's a good thing" on Raw many moons ago.

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Mark Henry
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.