10 Ways WWE Can Get More From Dean Ambrose

1. Turn Him Heel

Dean Ambrose

Ambrose is begging for a heel turn, isn't he?

Booking him to turn on someone like Seth Rollins (if WWE don't want to partner both men up again) would go a long way to refreshing what is one of WWE's stalest characters in 2017. A shock shift to the dark side may be just the tonic to cure any Ambrose ills.

If fans are happy to compare Dean to histrionic characters like Roddy Piper or Brian Pillman's 'Loose Cannon', then unleash a true 'Lunatic Fringe' on them. WWE's creative team have to see value in Ambrose acting as an unpredictable heel who specifically targets wrestlers the audience admires. On Raw, Rollins is the ideal choice, but so is someone like Finn Bálor.

These men are cherished to the point that anybody opposing them would hear boos. It's something to think about, if nothing else, and WWE should give consideration to a rampaging psychopath who systematically makes a point of going after stars the people dote on. Then, Ambrose might be pulled from the malaise he currently finds himself in.

What other things do you think WWE could do to save Dean Ambrose? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.