10 Ways WWE Can Get More From Dean Ambrose

9. Get Him Some New Gear Made

Dean Ambrose

Watch WWE programming with a lapsed fan and be prepared to answer one dreaded question: "Do these guys get their clothes from Walmart?".

It's a valid point; Ambrose is more than a bit guilty of turning up looking like he's just been handed ASDA George (Walmart's UK equivalent) vouchers for Christmas.

The new tank top is a significant improvement over the old, washed out grey vest he used to wear, but those shabby jeans have simply got to go. With the world class seamstresses WWE employ and their own wardrobe department, nobody should be coming out in basic jeans. There's just no need for it.

Ambrose desperately needs some new gear. Look at how nifty Braun Strowman's bottom half is for proof of how the tank top image can work in WWE. Similarly, Bray Wyatt's trousers are always full of character. Meanwhile, Dean rocks up like dad just gave him some hand-me-downs.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.