10 Ways WWE Can Still Salvage WrestleMania 36

3. Bring In The Big Guns

The Undertaker AJ Styles

WWE's inability to create new stars means that they have to rely on superstars from the past to drive up interest and ratings (why do you think last night's RAW was celebrating "3:16 Day"?). That's not an opinion either; it's a fact which viewership numbers have proved again and again.

With that in mind, one way to make up for what's looking like a somewhat disappointing WrestleMania could be to bring in those big names from the past. Have the nWo confront DX in the ring; give Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson a ton of money to entertain fans with one of his trademark promos; let Stone Cold Steve Austin hit a few Stunners and drink some beers.

Appearances like those alongside the biggest matches on the WrestleMania card could result in a fan-pleasing show which is appreciated by old and new viewers alike.

If there's something that never fails to make headlines, it's appearances from Legends like the ones mentioned above, and some of the most memorable WrestleMania Moments have been thanks to them. It's a shame in many ways, of course, but possibly exactly what this show needs.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.