10 Ways WWE Could Celebrate The Undertaker's 25th Anniversary
5. This Is Your Life
This would be my personal preference... Let's get Mick Foley back under the guise of Mankind and conduct the first 'this is your life' skit seen in WWE since John Cena's cringe-fest a few years ago. Imagine how funny it would be with Mankind and Taker's history together in the ring. A number of familiar faces - good or bad - could return including the likes of Brother Love, Ted DiBiase, Mideon, Sara (that could get messy), Nathan Jones, DDP, and er.... Tracy (take a look at the clip below if you have no idea who she is)... Meanwhile, Kane could put some of his good form on the mic in recent weeks to good use in a number of hilarious promos about his brother's past. It would be an unadulterated hoot! I would have this skit as a big part of the episode of RAW dedicated to the 25 years of Taker's career. Although if he is looking to continue as the Darkside character for a while to come, this would probably need to be saved for the very end of his career. Some of the skits could be liable to see him to break character to so much of a degree that it could be the proverbial gimmick breaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2m2j2WqMgQ