10 Ways WWE Failed To Give Divas A Chance

3. Still No Female Commentator

When fans asked the WWE to #GiveDivasAChance, they weren't just talking about the women who fight in the ring. Michael Cole has been a divisive figure for some time, but does know how to call a match. Unfortunately, that often goes out of the window when he's joined by JBL and Booker T. The former frequently nonsensically screams over matches and can be blamed for burying The Ascension when they made their main roster debut. Booker T meanwhile often spouts complete nonsense (much of which is offensive, particularly when it comes to the Divas), and these three will more often than not spend an entire match bickering between themselves or making incredibly outdated references. It's no bad thing that Jerry "The King" Lawler has recently been shuffled off to SmackDown, but even there his childish and painfully unfunny jokes are joined by the two blandest and most interchangeable commentators of all time: Tom Phillips and Bryan Saxton. The point is, WWE's commentary is in desperate need of being freshened up, and a woman being added to the booth would do just that. Renee Young is the perfect candidate, and her work on both the WWE Network and preshows is proof of that, as is her time serving as a commentator on shows like NXT and Superstars. There were some rumblings around the time #GiveDivasAChance launched that this would happen, but it sadly still hasn't...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.