10 WCW Stars That Would Have Saved The Invasion

10. Scott Hall

It'd be impossible to talk about the idea of Scott Hall coming over as part of the 'Invasion' angle without first mentioning a few things. Firstly, Hall had been far from a model employee during the last few years of his WCW run. Secondly, it's unlikely that WWF fans would have cared about that. When Hall eventually did return in 2002, many were disappointed that he didn't bring back the Razor Ramon character. If the man had been part of the whole WCW Invasion, it would have made sense for him to be himself. Rather than play the Razor character closely associated with the WWF, Hall would have had to be 'The Outsider' he portrayed in WCW. Interestingly, Hall himself noted during a shoot interview a few years back that he was in contact with Shane McMahon about making the jump. Instead, he chose to go to Japan. Hall was also angered when McMahon said he'd have to have a 'good boy clause' in his contract if he did come back. As part of the Invasion, Scott Hall would have been able to cut promos aplenty and feature in multi-man matches. Even if he only appeared sporadically, his presence would have given the angle credibility.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.