10 Weirdest Things Wrestlers Did Before Matches

5. John Cena's 10,000-Calories-Worth Of Tic Tacs

Bella Twins Not Objectified

Wrestlers spend an awful lot of time up close and personal with their colleagues.

So, you can understand how irritating it must be for a performer if their dance partner hasn't kept on top of their own personal hygiene before walking down the aisle. 

Those locking up with 'The Face that Runs the Place' over the decades never had to worry about the icon's breath stinking up a contest, however, as John Cena had a rather extreme way of keeping himself smelling fresh.

As he'd explain on The Kelly Clarkson Show in 2019, 'Super Cena' developed a pretty intense habit of putting away a frightening amount of Tic Tacs in the 20-minutes before getting out to the ring.

We're not talking a handful or even a packet - Cena used to clean off up to three boxes of the little white mints pre-match. That, Cena claimed/joked, was pretty much a whopping 10,000 calories of straight sugar being shoved down his throat before every appearance.

And while that "nervous superstition" was surely appreciated by his fellow wrestlers, it's little surprise Cena had to wean himself off the candies in the end - that many Tic Tacs in such a tiny window of time can't have been all that good for the legend's chiselled body, right?

But if you wanted a mint backstage in WWE, you knew were to get some at least.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...