There was something off about Samuel Shaw from the moment fans laid eyes on him. Clad in an outfit eerily similar to that of Dexter Morgan's killing uniform and displaying the same obsessive-compulsive traits that made Patrick Bateman so unsettling in "American Psycho," That he seemed particularly interested in the beautiful Christy Hemme did not make him strange. In fact, most guys felt the same way. How could they not? She was a fiery redhead dream girl. A pleasant and smiling one at that. It was the way he obsessed over her that left some uncomfortable. That discomfort would enhance tenfold when it was discovered that the psychopath had constructed a shrine of photos to Hemme, then went as far as to dress mannequins up like the Knockout so he could have some personal alone time with "her." Upon learning of said mannequins and photos, Hemme became understandably freaked out, as did the fans inside the Impact Zone, who greeted Shaw with chants of "creepy b**tard." The young, former Gut Check competitor would corner Hemme backstage, creating an unstable and unsafe working environment for the ring announcer, a fact she pointed out during one such incident. Ultimately, the storyline provided the basis for a feud between Shaw and Ken Anderson that went on entirely too long, dragging it from just plain weird to mind-numbing and redundant.
Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.