10 Weirdest Ways To Earn A Wrestling Title Shot
1. Check The Bins
In 2000, WCW television was a migraine-inducing headf*ck of continuity.
Vince Russo et al. couldn't even decide whether wrestling was real or not, much less keep track of which wrestlers were in cahoots with who and if so-and-so had already swerve-turned on whoever the f*ck. Absolutely nothing made sense or logically developed from one incident to another - with the bizarre exception of Jim Duggan locating the Television Championship Scott Hall had trashed the year prior in his capacity as a janitor.
According to Duggan, he had discovered something "covered in goo" that was "real shiny". Did Scott Hall put it in the bin, or Jim Ross?
Hall/Ross trashed the belt in Denver, Colorado. Duggan recovered it in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. To suspend disbelief, you had to buy into the idea that WCW took literally everything from show to show, even if they had zero use for it. Happily, this was easy, since WCW did that frequently, to extortionate cost, with talent they flew in but did not book.
After a two-month, Saturday Night-exclusive reign, the title was deactivated once more when Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff rebooted all storylines. They had no need for a garbage championship.
They had grand plans to cover the World Title in garbage and sh*t.