10 Most Wildly Unpopular WWE Title Changes

3. The Undertaker Defeats Hulk Hogan - Survivor Series 1991

Going back 6 further years now, we come back to a time in WWE history where kayfabe was still very much in full force and the fans were far more attuned to the intended roles, as it were, of the superstars. In contrast to the last point, this first victory for Undertaker is looked back upon with some reverence, however, at the time, it broke the fans hearts. Undertaker's first title reign lasted only 6 days and was, reportedly, only done in order to promote a rematch main event between 'Taker and Hogan for the following This Tuesday In Texas PPV- an attempt by WWE to establish Tuesdays as a potential 2nd day for PPV events, which subsequently failed. Whilst 'Taker's reign was transitional and brief, when it happened, the WWF Universe (as it were) stood in shock. Children in the arena were crying, adults in the arena were cursing; nobody wanted to see 'Taker win that match or the title. It was one of the most kayfabe orientated reactions you're likely to see, in WWE history. In years to come, 'Taker would come to be one of those most championed and beloved superstars in WWE history but on that night, in that arena, he broke the spirit of Hulkamania.
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