10 Worrying Signs From TNA Impact Wrestling's Reboot Episode
3. Jeremy Borash Vs. Josh Mathews

Wrestling announcers exist to supplement the action. It’s their job to explain what’s happening in the ring while furthering the stories and narratives put forth by the wrestlers. They sell the action, put the drama over, and maybe throw a few strategically-placed shills into the mix. They’re secondary players at best, and there to put shine on the wrestlers, not detract from them.
Nobody watches wrestling to hear the announcers putting themselves over, but that’s exactly what happened for the duration of Impact. Jeremy Borash and Josh Mathews dominated throughout, starting with a petty bickering session at the top of the show, and continuing all the way to the final bell. Their priority was to argue with one another, not put the wrestlers over, and their feud looks set to feature front and center over the coming weeks.
Borash and Mathews rendered parts of Impact completely unwatchable. Mathews’ forced heel character is a thousand times worse than Michael Cole’s attempt at the same role a few years ago, and Borash isn’t much better himself. The duo dominated throughout, and while the endgame looks like Mathews’ full-time removal from television, it’s going to be a long, difficult road to get there. If you choose to check this week’s show out, do your ears a favour and hit the mute button during the matches.