10 Worst "Big Reveals" In Wrestling History

7. Who Ran Over Stone Cold?

Shockmaster Fall

By the end of 1999, Stone Cold Steve Austin was in rough shape. Bothered by complications from his initial neck injury at 1997's SummerSlam, Austin required nine months of rehabilitation to recover.

To explain his absence, WWE booked Austin to get hit by a car in the parking lot at 1999's Survivor Series. So, for nearly a year, the burning question on everyone's mind was "who ran over Stone Cold?" Ten months later, we finally got our answer, as Commissioner Mick Foley revealed that the man behind the wheel was...Rikishi?

You know, Rikishi - the funny, portly man who dances around and rubs his near-naked ass in people's faces? That Rikishi? Yeah, nobody bought this guy as a heel.

While Rikishi was an imposing big man with admirable agility, he did not have the mic skills nor the charisma of a "top guy," and his push fell flat almost immediately. In an effort to correct their misdeeds, WWE decided to take the heat off of Rikishi by revealing that it was, in fact, Triple H who'd masterminded the scheme all along.

Rikishi would remain a heel for a couple more months after this, but was never considered a legitimate threat again.

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He/him/his. Born in 1992. Lifetime native of Massachusetts. Part-time columnist. Aspiring actor/singer. Black Belt. Twitch Affiliate. Drinks iced coffee all year round. Loves pro-wrestling and MMA.