10 Worst Anticlimaxes In WWE History

6. The Anonymous RAW General Manager (2010-2011)

Vince Mcmahon Higher Power

Notorious as one of the worst angles in recent memory on any wrestling show, the sorry tale of the Anonymous RAW General Manager began on RAW itself, June 21st 2010, when Vince McMahon declared that current RAW GM Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart had been a catastrophic failure as GM, and sacked him on the spot and in absentia.

He introduced a laptop sitting on the announce desk, telling the crowd that from now on, all orders would come anonymously via email, to be read out to performers and crowd alike. Within seconds, the laptop had ‘pinged’ to declare that the last few decisions of Hart’s regime were being reversed… and so it went on. For over a year.

For a while, fans were debating who the mysterious GM could possibly be. After all, there had to be someone cool behind the emails, right? There was no point to the angle if it didn’t have a good pay-off, right? WWE teased the audience by hinting that it was ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, amongst others. The storyline limped onwards without a resolution, stretching the patience of the fanbase… and then just stopped.

It turned out that McMahon had no plan. There was no WWE Hall Of Famer or legendary wrestler lurking at the gorilla position sending orders to mess with the lives of WWE superstars. By July 2011, the storyline had been quietly dropped as Triple H and John Laurinaitis began representing the heel authority figures in the company.

A year after that, in a comedy segment on RAW designed to put a belated capstone on the fiasco, it was revealed that ex-leprechaun Hornswoggle had been the Anonymous RAW General Manager all along. No explanation, no new angle… just an embarrassed handwaving exercise.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.