10 Worst Fashion Mistakes By Vince McMahon

9. The Simon Cowell Look

When Simon Cowell came into our lives in 2001 with American Idol (or Pop Idol depending on where you live), he was famous for his high jeans, big puffed out chest and snazzy, well-coiffed hair style. However, when you delve into the archives of the World Wrestling Federation, you€™ll see one man got there first. That€™s right, Vince McMahon had the Simon Cowell look down to a tee, a decade before the X-Factor emperor had even been on Television. As you can see in the snap above, McMahon has the classic jeans up above the belly button going on, with a white shirt and what look like snakeskin boots. To be fair to Vince, this was the early 90s, and the 80s were a very heavy decade so he might have still been recovering from a ten year hangover... Whenever you see a shot of Vince in the early 90s on a video shoot or milling about backstage, he always adopts this style. High jeans, tight top and hair perfectly slicked back. He looks like a tit, yes, but what a legend he is.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.