10 Worst Finishes In Wrestling Gimmick Matches

9. John Cena Vs. Batista - Last Man Standing

Bray Wyatt Spooky Lil Kid

Batista and John Cena both had coronations at WrestleMania 21, and apart from a one-off match at SummerSlam 2008, they stayed out of each other's way. That all changed in 2010: Batista's last program before leaving the company was with Cena.

The blowoff to the feud would end up being in an "I Quit" match, which is pretty hard (but not impossible) to ruin with a bad finish. Before that, though, they had a Last Man Standing match, which is also traditionally a feud-ending bout. So how could they have an indecisive ending in a match where the only way to win is to keep your opponent down for a ten count?

Simple - duct tape.

In order to keep Batista down, Cena procured a roll of duct tape and took advantage of the no-disqualification rules by taping Batista's legs around the ring post. That meant "The Animal" couldn't answer the ten count, but it also meant that a real winner hadn't been established. And remember, they charged $50 for pay-per-views in those days.

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Bray Wyatt
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013