10 Worst NWO Members Ever

1. David Flair

David Flair Torrie Wilson Hollywood Hogan NWo
WWE Network

David Flair could easily top lists ranking the worst WCW roster members ever, never mind the nWo. Bless Ric Flair and others for trying to help David get it, but the Nature Boy's son looked like a fan who had jumped the guard rail and suddenly earned a contract.

Coming out under a hood at SuperBrawl 1999, David attacked Ric with a taser and opened his jacket to reveal nWo colours. Hollywood Hogan and Kevin Nash then had to act as though this was quite the capture, like David Flair was going to cement their place at the top of the WCW tree.

Booted out just one month later by his new stablemates, David was a mere pawn in the never-ending feud between Hogan and his father. Don't let the brevity of David's nWo tenure fool you though, because that month felt like a lifetime.

What other nWo members would you consider the worst or most pointless? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.