10 Worst NWO Members Ever

6. Bret Hart

Bret Hart WCW Champion

Putting Bret Hart amongst the nWo ranks showed just how limited ideas were in WCW towards the end of the 90's. When Hart had joined the promotion in '97, he seemed destined to follow in Sting's footsteps as a prime enemy of the group. Instead, he was swallowed up by a machine WCW didn't know what to do with.

Dubbed 'nWo 2000' (or nWo Silver), Bret, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett proved a poor rerun of the New World Order gimmick. Jarrett was bad enough, but Hart must be considered one of the most awkward nWo members of all time. Why wasn't he on the other side fighting these guys!?

This wasn't even the glory days of the group, Bret was bringing back a tired idea and promising to make it relevant. Did WCW ever book Bret Hart correctly? On the evidence of this nonsense, no, they didn't. It's almost like this didn't happen, and we wish it hadn't.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.