10 Worst NWO Members Ever

4. The Disciple

Vincent The Disciple Hollywood Hogan Scott Hall NWo

The man once known as Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake in the WWF had too many gimmicks over in WCW. Known as Brother Bruti, The Butcher, The Zodiac, The Man With No Name and The Booty Man, Beefcake eventually settled on The Disciple. At first glance, he looked like a cheap knock off of Hollywood Hogan.

That was deliberate, The Disciple was supposed to be Hogan's bodyguard and promptly joined the nWo as a result. He then proceeded to do nothing of worth other than be foil for the terrible Hogan vs. Warrior feud that dominated the latter part of 1998.

After that, Hulk's Disciple pretty much scarpered and didn't play much of a part in nWo business going forward. In a true example of how far nepotism can get you, The Disciple's time in one of wrestling's biggest factions seemed to exist only because he was real-life pals with Hogan.

nWo 4 Life, brother.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.