10 Worst Reasons Wrestling Feuds Started

9. Harlem Heat 2000 Prevent Booker From Using His 'T'

maryse miz john bella

Of all the madcap schemes those in charge of WCW came up with, having Booker T and Harlem Heat 2000 fight over the rights to the letter 'T' must be considered one of the worst. In early-2000, the artist formerly known as Ahmed Johnson made his way to the company, renamed Big T and put together with Stevie Ray.

The pair feuded with Booker, Ray's real-life brother and the man he'd captured a record-setting 10 WCW Tag-Team Titles with. Somehow, Ray believed an overweight Big T would actually better the original Harlem Heat team.

Coming along for the ride was another former WWF performer, Clarence Mason (redubbed J. Biggs in WCW). Putting out a lawsuit against Booker, Biggs claimed that the letter 'T' belonged to Harlem Heat, and therefore couldn't be used by the former member. Naturally, the whole thing was ludicrous, and didn't exactly engage fans.

The whole thing was largely forgotten when Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo pushed the reset button with WCW in April, although few mourned the loss of such captivating storylines. Of course, that's sarcasm.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.