10 Worst Things Vince McMahon Has Ever Done
3. Forcing Lita To Perform The Live Sex Celebration

At one point in her adult life, Lita conducted an affair and cheated on her then-partner.
As punishment, she was for years slut-shamed by entire arenas full of people until the end of her full-time run with WWE. Edge, who was married, was instead received as a mad, entertaining shagger. He got over for that which Lita was crucified. She was called a slut, a whore, and worse than sh*t. This period of her career naturally plagued her mental health and she almost quit the promotion one month into the fictionalised worked-shoot storyline. She persevered, and was a vastly underrated element of the act that finally got Edge over as a true main event star some four years into his singles run.
As part of that act, she was asked to play the role of the brazen little hussy. Except "asked" is not the correct word. Lita, in her own words, was put under significant pressure.
Speaking on a Twitch stream earlier this year, Lita revealed that she was wholly uncomfortable with the infamous 'Live Sex Celebration' angle that WWE booked following Edge's maiden World Title win. Lita approached management about her concerns; in response, they threatened to fire her if she refused to perform. This, despite Edge and John Cena backing her up. Vince liked the idea and the rating it was guaranteed to pop.
And that was that.