10 Worst Worked Wrestling Shoots Of All Time

2. New Blood Rising

WCW's dying days were a mess of convoluted attempts to work the crowd, culminating in the pair of incidents which top this list. The slightly later incident occurred at New Blood Rising, a 2000 Pay Per View which was set to feature a "real fight" between Goldberg, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner. Goldberg, presumably annoyed at backstage booking decisions, walked out of the match. The announcers immediately began criticising his unprofessionalism, while Nash and Steiner stood around acting confused. They then "improvised" a finish (which had, of course, all been planned beforehand), while Goldberg was later lambasted for not "following the script". Needless to say, the whole incident was received very poorly by WCW's fans - especially those in attendance, who paid to see something at least resembling a professional wrestling show. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x48phv_new-blood-rising-2000-steiner-vs-na_sport
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.