10 Worst Wrestling World Title Reigns Ever
1. Braun Strowman - March 26, 2020 To August 23, 2020

The worst Universal Champion of all-time - literally, no alien wrestlers on any undiscovered planet could have mounted a reign as sh*tty as this - this was an atrocity of a run that in and of itself was emblematic of WWE's astonishing creative decline in 2020. Which is all the more astonishing, given that the company has been in decline for about 20 years.
Mercifully over, it was almost like the ultimate test to determine who has half-decent taste or has a rudimentary grasp of professional wrestling. If it is revealed that some benevolent deity descended from on high, with the divine purpose of draining the toxic swamp of wrestling discourse once and for all - and this deity created this title reign just to see who is and who is not an allowed an opinion - it would not come as a surprise.
You liked it?
Thou have sinned.
Thou shalt not say "If AEW did it".
Strowman won the title at WrestleMania 36 in a sh*tty match, that took a minute to lay out, that he didn't deserve to be in and for which no storyline explanation was given. WWE then reframed his real history with the Wyatt Family - he was a sh*te late addition when the plot had been lost - as this origin story of pivotal importance.
This materialised as two abysmal and excruciatingly corny acting classes masquerading as wrestling matches divided by a feud with The Miz and John Morrison based on pranks.
No good wrestling matches. No good promos. No good storylines.
Braun Strowman spent a summer drenched in gunge, swamp water and alligator sh*t, and some people called it "genius storytelling".