10 Worst WWE Royal Rumble Winners

5. Alberto Del Rio - 2011

Here's one that WWE wishes they could have back. In all fairness to Alberto Del Rio, the guy is a great worker and really embraced his heel character during his run in WWE. For whatever reason, WWE just didn't throw the machine behind Del Rio and he sputtered out after too many failed pushes. In 2011, Del Rio was heating up as a heel but really didn't have the crowd heat or the perception to be a Royal Rumble winner. In hindsight, CM Punk probably should have been tapped as the winner here we all know that Vince McMahon was never a huge fan of Punk's, especially early in his career. Punk did end up lasting 35 minutes in the Rumble itself but failed to win the match. 2011 also featured the first time (and hopefully last time) that the Rumble featured 40 men instead of the traditional 30. This led to a parade of jobbers being fed to the upper card talents in the Rumble and some slow portions that really dragged the match down. Speaking of jobbers, somehow Santino Marella managed to be the final competitor in the ring alongside Del Rio. Santino had been tossed between the ropes and lay on the floor as Del Rio managed to eliminate Randy Orton, thinking he had won the match. As Santino climbed back into the ring, wrestling fans actually wondered out loud if WWE would be dumb enough to actually allow Santino Freaking Marella to win the Royal Rumble. Thankfully, Del Rio avoided Santino's jobber offense and eliminated him, winning the Rumble to the silence of an apathetic crowd. Things didn't get any better at Wrestlemania XXVII, one of the worst Wrestlemania cards in history. Del Rio, despite being advertised as winning the Rumble and therefore "main eventing" Wrestlemania, wrestled in the opening match against Edge in his retirement match. At the time, we didn't know it was going to be Edge's retirement match but still, it was equally puzzling because Del Rio choked and lost to Edge. Then WWE turned around and gave Del Rio the Money in the Bank briefcase, thus rendering his Rumble win completely pointless.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.