10 Worst WWE Royal Rumble Winners

3. Roman Reigns - 2015

Yes, he's probably high on the list because the wound is still fresh. At this past Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns managed to anger the entire city of Philadelphia (and most of the WWE fanbase) by capturing the 2015 Royal Rumble and, with it, a ticket to meet Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania XXXI. To say that the crowd reacted negatively to Reign's victory would be the understatement of the year. Much like the Pittsburgh crowd the year before, Reign's victory was tainted because he was not who the fans wanted to see win the match. Despite Daniel Bryan being the most over person in the match, Bryan was booked only to last a short while at the very beginning of the Rumble before being cleanly eliminated and send packing to avoid distracting from Reign's win. Once Bryan was eliminated, it was way too obvious who was going to win the match and the crowd viciously turned on it. Two of the final four consisted of Reigns and Rusev, who at least were new superstars who could possibly be main event players and thus deserved that spot. However, the other two were Kane and the Big Show. What is this, 2001? Neither Kane or Big Show has been a legitimate main event threat in years but, since Vince loves big guys, they were given the honor of unceremoniously eliminating crowd favorites Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler. Vince might as well have walked onto the entrance ramp and given the crowd the finger. To show how bad the situation actually was, Reigns suffered a beatdown from Big Show and Kane after their elimination, causing the Rock to make the save...and he was booed. That's right, WWE's booking was so terrible and so roundly rejected by one of wrestling biggest cities that they booed one of the biggest superstars of all-time out of the building. Only time will tell how terrible Reign's win actually was but, unless something drastic happens, Wrestlemania XXXI might not be a pretty sight.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.