10 Worst WWE Shop Shirts Of 2017
4. "Paws Out, Claws Out" (Natalya)

Natalya's obsession with cats became an on-air gag when she turned heel in 2016, but WWE Shop took it one step too far when they released the "Paws Out, Claws Out" shirt for her. Sure, fans of cats might get a kick out of it, but not even the most die-hard lover of the Neidhart family scion would dare to wear that anywhere other a WWE event.
Look, it's great that Natalya is finally getting new merchandise years and years after her first shirt was released, but this was a poor effort all around. It's a picture of her cat looking like a superhero with other cats surrounding it and "It's Meow Time" written at the bottom. She's an excellent wrestler, but if that's the only thing WWE could come up with, hope might be lost for her.
If the t-shirt isn't going to be cool, it should at least make people mad considering she's currently a heel. I suppose it could anger fans in a way due to its dumb design, but it should have been worn once by Natalya on TV for a few laughs and then banished forever.