10 Worst WWE Superstar Win/Loss Records Of 2016

8. Naomi (W6/D0/L27)

tyler breeze

Giving the former Funkadactyl a difference of -21 for the year so far. 

Being one of those Superstars lost in the midst of the women's division at the moment, Naomi has competed in more six or eight women tag team matches than you or I have had hot dinners. 

I guess most female Superstars' records - Charlotte aside of course - will look pretty similar to hers. 

While her television match time has been limited in recent weeks due to the attention put on the ladies involved in the Triple Threat match at WrestleMania 32, the bulk of Naomi's matches have taken place when the cameras haven't been rolling. 

She'll be hoping for yet another chance at the title when Charlotte and Natalya conclude their feud. 

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Tyler Breeze
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